
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pencil cup

A blurry view of my colorful pencil cup :)
Happy Sunday!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Color coded

Here's something fun to do this weekend:
Organize your books by color,
Everyone is doing it.
Hope you are having a happy,
colorful weekend!

Friday, March 27, 2009


Our beautiful potted lime tree is in full bloom.
Spring is definitely here :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bits of red

In the studio today.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Our funspace

A little diorama
with a few of my favorite things:
-Birdie by Ann Wood Handmade
-Nest with egg by Rae Dunn
-Flower doily by Tiny Little Stitches

The inspiration board for Spring.
This is the north wall of the studio.
Our desks: where all the work/fun happens.
My boys' work/fun area facing the South.

***The hand painted rocks will be available
at my Etsy shop at 1:oo pm CST.
I made a couple of surprise ones ;)

*****Update: It is taking me longer than expected
to upload all the hand painted rocks to my Etsy shop,
they will be availabe at 1:30 pm CST.
Sorry about that!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Hand painted with white
FW acrylic ink & a very fine round synthetic brush.
Available at my Etsy shop on Monday.
The Mushroom rock is approximately
4 inches long.
The rocks are under water in this photo.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Little Bits of Green

A new moss terrarium
to replace the other one that died.
I finally found
a string of pearls plant!
I painted that little rock with
red acrylic ink.
More painted rocks tomorrow...
Some treasures from our walks.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On a Wednesday

That's Daniel patiently waiting
for his slice of cinnamon apple bread this morning.
Whole wheat, organic yumminess.
He is very thankful for all the
nice comment you left about his stamps :)
Still doing some spring cleaning in the studio.
We hacked one of our old IKEA shelving units
and replaced the shelves with with solid cedar planks
and modified the length of the shelves a wee bit.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I recently purchased these two
books online and they arrived last week.
My eleven year old son Daniel
was immediately smitten by them
& got inspired to do some hand carving himself,
and as his big brother told him:
"You're a natural!".
He turned out to be really good at it :)
I love all the little details.
And after the pirate ship,
he decided to make a Star Wars starfighter.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring cleaning

Spring cleaning
and reorganizing in the studio again :)
I put up some very pretty things on the wall,
& I've got a nice spring like view from my desk.
The boys and I share that desk, they check
their school work there and it's where I do
the packaging of all my shop orders.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Vegetable patch

I was dreaming of having a veggie patch
but since I'm really not good at gardening
I painted myself a little plot.

Watercolor on paper
9 x 12 inches

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This is the beautiful hand bound
leather Bible Manolo made for me.
I mentioned it on the Etsy interview
as my most cherished handmade possession
& I wanted to share it with all of you.
And a little peek into the drawers
of my cabinet of curiosities ;)
I finally have one special drawer
for all of my hand carved stamps!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Nature collection

These are 9 little 5 x 5 inches
watercolor paintings I made last night
as a little nature collection to hang
from a wire in my boy's room.
I scanned and rearranged all the elements
& created a print that will be available
in the shop later today.
Camilla Engman
created a very interesting Flickr group
called Organized Collection,
that I find it most inspiring!

Friday, March 06, 2009

418! WOW!

You guys are the best & most generous
blog friends EVER.
The very talented and crafty
Ola Smith From Poland
is the winner of my "Indigo" print!
Thank you so much for the great response
to this little giveaway!!!
These past two days have been some ride!
I'm taking a little break from the blog
to prepare and package
lots and lots of prints that flew from my shop.
Thank you so much
for being so supportive of my work.
I hope you have a beautiful weekend.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Etsy Featured Seller

I'm the Etsy Featured Seller today :)
You can read the interview
by clicking here
To celebrate
I want to giveaway a 6 x 8 inches print
of my latest watercolor and collage,
so please leave your name & country
in the comments section
and I will draw a name randomly
Friday at noon CST.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


One of my favorite shades of blue.
Today's watercolor
evolved into a collage.
9 x 12 inches

Click on it to see it BIGGER

Black and white

Our kitchen shelves.
My orchids against the blackboard
in our studio.

It is such a beautiful day today,
the sky is electric blue and the sun is shinning.
I think I'll take my watercolors outside
for a change.

Monday, March 02, 2009


I'm trying to replicate
these porcelain beauties by Coe & Waito
as an exercise of observation.
I'm making this one with white Polymer Clay.
I'll show it to you once it's done...

Happy month of March!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Shop update

I've just updated my Etsy shop
with 13 new prints!
Some are second edition runs
and some had never been printed before.
There are now 73 different prints
available to choose from :)